
Recycling in the schoolyard


In Mundaiz we give great importance to the care of our planet, so we do our bit by working, among other things, in recycling. This year, some ESO students prepared some workshops and exhibitions to raise awareness of this issue among primary school students.

Our students were able to see and understand the route that garbage bags follow from our homes to the landfill, and the consequences this has on our planet. At the same time, the importance of recycling and separating the different types of waste: paper, plastic, organic, glass… was emphasized.

And so that all the students can put into practice what they have learned, new garbage cans have been placed in the playgrounds and the primary and secondary students throw the leftovers from lunch in the corresponding container. Our new playground is getting nicer and nicer, and our students are becoming more aware of the importance of caring for the planet.

 On with the recycling!

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