A future to create together

Why choose us?

Since 1904, at our Colegio del Sagrado Corazón Mundaiz de Donostia-San Sebastián, we offer personalized attention to students from 1 year to 18, actively collaborating with families.

Technological and Linguistic Project

Permanent digital updating and Basque as the central axis

Wide Offer of Services

School Canteen, Nursery, Winter Camp and many more.

Personalized Attention

It delves into the integral development of each child and respect for individual capacities, abilities and differences.

Our References

Mundaiz news

Find out what’s happening in Mundaiz and stay informed with the latest news about your school’s current affairs.

Secondary School


The new course of the DUAL program of the Academy will also begin in the next few days, on September 18th for the old students and on October 9th for the new ones.



The students of 1 bac have carried out an exchange with students from schools in Germany and Denmark within the Erasmus+ project.

Primary School

September, an intense month

September is always an intense month for our students. The return from vacation, the reunion with classmates, the Zinemaldi, the pedagogical concert, the

Follow our facebook page, receive timely information on all the news, announcements, events and projects and actively participate in the day to day of the school here.

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